Lordy it's hot

Like a black woolen sack being thrown over your head the second you step out of the airport. But no, it's nice. You are never ever that tiny bit chilly that you get in the springtime in New York or New England, that slight shrinking of your fingers and toes. That doesn't happen here.
Haven't found a computer where I can upload photos. So I can't show you my conundrum about the food. Everyone loves Thai food, right? Especially me, right? Ok, walking down the rows of street vendors, I don't even know what half of the stuff is, never mind how to eat it. Is this a salad? Is it meant to be eaten as an accompaniment to something else? Is it to be taken home, sliced and deep-fried? Is it a condiment? Is it a folk remedy? Is it bait? I overstate the case, of course. I've spent the entire day wandering around and snacking. I had breakfast a few times because it was pretty great, and a few lunches too. Still just kind of learning how to order. And ask what things are. Thai resembles Lao in many ways, which is definitely helping me just begin to get a notion of how I might get started thinking about learning how to speak this completely alien language.
Hey, I went to Chinatown for a while. You think those DVDs in the subway are cheap? Lemme show you something. Oh. Right. Intellectual property. Um. Yeah. Chinatown here is a riotous explosion of comerce. I wonder what it would be like if there was a Moroccotown in China. Not sure, but maybe the moroccans have the chinese. HArd to say. That would be a Celebrity Deathmatch ot be remembered.
Actually, since the last time I was here, things have obviously changed a bit. On Khao San Road, the backpacker ghetto, last time there was just one CD shop, since the police had just swept everyone out who wasn't paying hte proper bribes. Now, they're everywhere. Maybe it's time for a raid.
Gosh, I must say, I have never been pursued by a trannie hooker down the street at eight thirty in the morning before. Especially not after ditching a tourism hustler, trying to get me to go with this tuk-tuk to that or this tourist buddha or whatever. Wow. And It was hot as hell when I got out of bed at six AM. My body clock is completely fucked. I was all set to go to Rathcadamnoen Stadium tonight to watch tough athletes beat the ever-loving crap out of each other at Muay Thai, but then at 5:30 I all of a sudden crashed like a union grip at wrap time. Woke up at 11:#0 and went o nightclub packed with stylish young Thais. At least you know the girls there aren't hookers since there were no farangs present. IF there's no money. why would they be there?
Met a nice chap who hasn't really stopped traveling for decades. That last time he was in Bangkok was 1972. He cycles everywhere, generally. He's the older chap in the photo gallery.
To all the critics: yes, the massive supercamera is heavy, but it's still totally badass. Haven't taken that many, but I'm sitll glad I got it.
Started attacking the mountainopus challenge of trying to l;earn Thai. I think this is something I'm going to have to go through in every single country. It's extremely frustrating not being able to talk to people who speak english.
DAmn some of those whores are foxy. Don't worry. I have absolutely no interest in getting AIDS. And, as a good friend of mine said once, why go to the whorehouse when there's a youth hostel in town?
Would I write these lines if I hadn't been drinking?
MY guesthouse has a sign that says, "No israelis". Wow. Bummer. Don;'t know if that would fly in the states. The anti-defamation league of B'nai B'rith might take issue with that. But then again. I don't know if any of the guesthouse owners give a rat's ass about World War 2. All they know is that israeils have been a royal pain in the ass enough times that they want nothing to do with them. Reminds me of the global warming precautions taken by the insurance agencies versus the US government. The US govt says it's not happening. The insurance industry is raising flood premiums in coastal areas.
Anyway. Got to go now. Think I'll try to find a cooking class tomorrow. And maybe I'll be able to stay awake past 6PM and I'll make it to the Muay Thai matches.
The bit with the roofs is the view from my window. The goddamn roosters in the mnonastery woke me up at 5:30. Maybe I ought to get used to that. But I kind of like getting up at dawn. You get the whole day.
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