Oneway East

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


It would be very useful for me to bve affiliated with some some of organization to be able to put on an air of legitimacy when I'm approaching organizations to talk. Anyone got any ideas of some sort of journalistic enterprise that would let me use their name, basically calling me an occasional non-staff contributing journalist. Or something like that that wouldn't cost them anything.

Any ideas?

I'm finding it fairly difficult to get affiliated with an organization that would be helpful to my research and photography. It's like Mr. Viengsavanh said to me; people are not likely to be willing to help unless you're attached to some organization that seems legitimate. Um, ok.

My Lao phone number is 5047329.
to call from the US:
011-856- 5047329

There is an odd prefix saystem that might tip you up. Here, to call from a landline to a mobile, you dial 020 + the number. From a mobile to a mobile here, thee's no prefix. So perhaps you'll have to dial 011-856-020-5047329. Or perhaps not. I'm not sure exactly, having not tried it myself.

This is a link I found for cheap calling cards to call here:


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