This blog was about asian travels, but there is room for footnotes and afterthoughts.
At work today, Rick asked me if it was a drag to be back at work. I replied that no, I was pretty happy to be working again. I belong here. On set, moving shit around. If I'm in charge, I tell someone else to do it. If I'm not, I do it myself. New York. Film sets. It's become my naturalized habitat. I am happy to be back here, even though the frost is eating into my bones, that pitiless cold devoid of moisture that quietly passes through your clothing and surrounds you and drains you.
This afternoon, I would've said, "and the cold's not bothering me much!" But then night fell.
I found things to do in Asia, but here there's stuff I just have to do. Which is partly why I left, because all I did was the stuff I had to do. Just making a living isn't enough. Not for me in any case.
If that's the Rick I think it is, tell him and all the gents I say hello.
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