Hey all. Haven't written in a bit; been busy with two big projects.
One is my daughter. I have one now. She's cute. She's loud. She's little. Darwin Jane Guiney. About 3 months old now.

Aint she cute? Big adjustment. I feel like a bona fide grownup now. No more pretending. Whole new deal since Alex quit her job to be a mom and I now have Responsibility.
The other big deal this last year is a new business venture I'm trying. I've invented a lighting device, an inflatable softbox or diffuser that fits on the popular on-camera light, the Litepanel Miniplus. Tried and true on thousands of reality shows and documentaries worldwide. The Litepanel is convenient, but not the most flattering of lights, and my device makes it much softer and more flattering but without adding any weight, being inflatable plastic. Check it out. It's at Airboxlights.com.
I'm picking away at making more different sizes that fit other sizes of Litepanel, such as the popular Micropro and the even more popular 1x1 model.
This is it:

Anyway, that's enough plugging for my new product. Oh wait, one more thing- besides Airboxlights.com, there's also my new twitter feed of lighting tips, opinions, and reviews- @airboxlights.
Experiencing frustrations with trying to start a business, with the myriad necessary steps that it takes, at the same time as I have to step up my earnings significantly from my regular day job as a gaffer and electrician. This adulthood thing is no joke.
I started this blog when I was going walkabout around southeast asia. I was going walkabout because I knew I was going to get to this point before too long, where I had a wife and a kid and a bunch of responsibility. The concept of going wandering on my own to explore and spending a whole pile of my savings at this point is completely laughable. Even the idea of going to Burning Man again seems far from certain. Have I gotten boring? Is this boring? This is just normal. There does seem to be an idea that the only things that are interesting are stereotypically "young" activities, like "adventures". Maybe that's my preconception.
I'm a little obsessed with PEak Oil/Peak everything/looming economic collapse. More on that later.